Gestione prenotazione

With the booking number you can

Check and make changes to your booking

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Booking management

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Ttravel changes

How can I manage my own journey?

Se sei un utente registrato puoi gestire in autonomia il tuo viaggio dall’Area Personale.

Se non sei ancora registrato puoi farlo ora. Registrati.

In alternativa puoi gestire il viaggio tramite l’area Gestione prenotazione: ti basterà inserire il codice del biglietto il nome e il cognome.

Per i viaggi operati da vettori Partner, consulta le relative Condizioni di Trasporto.

If you are a registered user you can independently manage your trip from the Personal Area.

If you are not yet registered, you can do so now. Please register.

Alternatively, you can manage your journey via the Manage Booking area: simply enter your ticket code, first name and last name.

For journeys operated by Partner carriers, please refer to the relevant Conditions of Carriage.

Can I change my assigned seat number?

You will be automatically assigned a seat on board free of charge. Alternatively, you can choose your seat during the purchase process on the Itabus website and app, from a range of different types of seats, from panoramic to near-door seats, with an add-on to your ticket. We would also like to remind you that you can change your assigned/selected seat even after purchase, through the Personal Area, if you are a registered user, or through the ‘Manage your booking section, by entering your ticket code, first and last name.

 On double-decker buses you can also reserve Panoramic, Top or Table Area seats.

More information on the dedicated page.

Can I change the name of passengers?

Sì, certo: puoi modificare il nome di uno o più passeggeri compresi nella prenotazione sino a 15 minuti prima della partenza.

Per conoscere le condizioni di modifica clicca qui.

In alternativa, puoi recarti presso le tabaccherie PUNTOLIS e le biglietterie autorizzate.

Ricordati di rivolgerti al tuo rivenditore per verificare i termini e le condizioni di cancellazione.

Per i viaggi operati da vettori Partner, consulta le relative Condizioni di Trasporto.

How can I add more services to my trip?

You can customise your journey by adding additional services during the purchase phase on the Passenger Data page, in the Additional Services section, or later, through the Personal Area, if you are a registered user, or through the ‘Manage your booking’ section, by entering your ticket code, first and last name. Services can be added using the Itabus app or website.

These include:

- your preferred seat;

- extra luggage (Additional and Special)

- Top environment or table area (only for two-storey buses);

Can I change the e-mail address I entered when booking?

L’e-mail inserita in fase di registrazione viene associata al biglietto e non potrai quindi modificarla.

Tuttavia, se avessi bisogno di ricevere il biglietto acquistato su una mail diversa, contattaci qui. Ti faremo una serie di domande per verificare la titolarità del biglietto.

Hai bisogno di aiuto? Clicca qui.

Per i viaggi operati da vettori Partner

Per i viaggi operati da vettori Partner, consulta le relative Condizioni di Trasporto.

The e-mail you enter during registration is associated with your ticket and you cannot change it.

However, if you need to receive your ticket on a different e-mail, please contact us here.

We will ask you a series of questions to verify your ticket ownership.

Need help? Click here.

For journeys operated by Partner Carriers

For journeys operated by Partner Carriers, please refer to the relevant Conditions of Carriage.

Can I change my route or cancel my trip?

Yes, of course; you can change the route by accessing the Personal Area or the Manage Booking section.

To find out the conditions of modification click here.

For journeys operated by Partner carriers, please consult the relevant Conditions of Carriage.

Can I change the date or cancel my trip?

You can make changes to your journey via the website or app by accessing the Personal Area or Manage Your Booking section, or at PUNTOLIS tobacconists, authorised ticket offices and our Customer Service.

You can cancel your journey via the Itabus website or app by accessing the Personal Area or Booking Management section, or from PUNTOLIS tobacconists, authorised ticket offices and our Customer Service.

To find out the conditions of modification and cancellation click here.

For journeys operated by Partner Carriers, see the relevant Conditions of Carriage.

Can I add a passenger to my trip?

Once the journey has been purchased, the number of passengers cannot be changed.

Want to travel next to a friend or family member? No problem, during purchase you can select adjacent seats if they are still available.

Accompanying passengers with reduced mobility or disabilities travel free of charge on board our buses: you must report their presence by visiting the Requests and Reports page, select the ‘Reduced Mobility’ item and fill in the form fields below.

For journeys operated by Partner carriers, please consult the relevant Conditions of Carriage.

Travel cancellation

Can I cancel my trip?

Niente paura, puoi annullare l’intera prenotazione o anche solo il tuo viaggio di andata o di ritorno tramite il sito o app Itabus accedendo all’Area Personale o alla sezione Gestione prenotazione.

Una volta cancellato il viaggio riceverai via e-mail un voucher non monetizzabile, che potrai utilizzare esclusivamente per futuri acquisti. Il valore del voucher varia in base a quando è avvenuta la cancellazione e potrai utilizzarlo per acquistare Servizi Itabus la cui fruizione dovrà avvenire entro 6 mesi dalla data di emissione.

Nel caso di prenotazioni multiple, dovrai cancellare la prenotazione di tutti i passeggeri e poi riprenotare il viaggio tramite voucher per i soli passeggeri che viaggeranno. Ricordati di verificare la disponibilità della soluzione di viaggio prima di cancellare la tua prenotazione.

In alternativa puoi recarti presso le tabaccherie PUNTOLIS e le biglietterie autorizzate.

Per conoscere le condizioni di cancellazione clicca qui.

Per i viaggi operati da vettori Partner, consulta le relative Condizioni di Trasporto

Don't worry, you can cancel your entire booking or even just your outward or return journey via the Itabus website or app by accessing the Personal Area or the Manage Booking section. Once you have cancelled your journey you will receive a non-monetisable voucher by e-mail, which you can use exclusively for future purchases. The value of the voucher varies according to when the cancellation took place and you can use it to purchase Itabus Services, which must be used within 6 months from the date of issue.

In the case of multiple bookings, you will have to cancel the booking of all passengers and then re-book the journey using the voucher for those passengers travelling only. Remember to check the availability of the travel solution before cancelling your booking.

Alternatively you can go to PUNTOLIS tobacconists and authorised ticket offices.

For cancellation conditions click here.

For journeys operated by Partner Carriers, see the relevant Conditions of Carriage.

My trip has been cancelled, what should I do?

The Itabus control room, operational 24 hours a day, is working to assist you as best it can. If you have received notification that your journey has been cancelled, please follow the instructions in the e-mail or text message we have sent you. 

In the event that you do not accept the alternative travel solution proposed to you, notify Customer Services by the time of your new departure, either by telephone or using the form provided, selecting the ‘Rejection of new travel solution proposed’ category. You can choose whether to be reimbursed in cash or by means of a voucher to be used to purchase new Itabus services.

Need help? Click here.

I have received notification of a service disruption from Itabus, what do I do?

The Itabus control room, operational 24 hours a day, is constantly at work to assist you as best it can. If you have received notification that your journey has been cancelled, please follow the instructions in the e-mail or text message we have sent you. 

In the event that you do not accept the alternative travel solution, notify Customer Services by the time of your new departure, either by telephone or using the form provided, selecting the ‘Rejection of new proposed travel solution’ category. You will be able to choose whether to receive the refund in cash or by means of a voucher to be used to purchase new Itabus services.

Need help? Click here.

For trips operated by Partner carriers

For journeys operated by Partner carriers, please refer to the relevant Conditions of Carriage.

I cancelled the trip but did not receive the electronic voucher

Per verificare che l’annullamento del tuo viaggio sia andato a buon fine puoi accedere all’Area Personale o alla sezione Gestione prenotazione

Se non hai ricevuto il tuo voucher, verifica che l’e-mail non sia finita nello spam.

Hai bisogno di aiuto? Clicca qui.

Per i viaggi operati da vettori Partner, consulta le relative Condizioni di Trasporto.

To check that your trip cancellation was successful you can access the Personal Area or the Manage Booking section

If you have not received your voucher, please check that the e-mail has not ended up in spam.

Need help? Click here.

For journeys operated by Partner carriers, please refer to the relevant Conditions of Carriage.